This is the page for all the code projects (the typing), I'll try and keep it up to date.
- github/lancew - Main place I keep my projects both Perl and other languages.
Perl Projects:
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Prereqs::Latest - Dzil plugin that tests that the prereqs in your dist.ini file are latest on cpan.
- Kata Judo - A Judo Kata competition management software system written in Perl.
- VWJL - A early 2000s web based game I am modernizing
- Awesome Perl - My personal list of awesome Perl modules, tools, etc.
- Zettler-Backlinker – Perl 5 tool to manage back links in a Zettelkasten using the Zettlr editor.
- ijf_ical – Perl 5 script that produces iCal feed of Judo events
- Webservice::Judobase - Perl wrapper for IJF Judo data API
- Lingua::Postcodes – Perl 5 module for naming postcodes across the world
- Scientist - Perl 5 module to test old code against new
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Perlsecret - Tool to prevent a style of code appearing in Perl code bases.
- Judo Notator – Notational Analysis Software for Judo (perl 5)