Resurrecting an old Perl codebase 101


Today I want to cover a little about how I go about resurrecting an old Perl code base. In this example I am working with an old ncurses application I wrote in 2009 as part of a Judo research project I was involved in at the time.

The following steps are perhaps of interest to anyone picking up a similar project from long ago... or adopting a new code base.

So I shall be looking at my Judo-Notator project.

Start with the tests.

If you are lucky, there should be a t directory in any perl project you pick up. Perl has a strong test culture, one of the really valuable parts of Perl is CPANTS. CPANTS is a free service that tests every Perl module in the CPAN. So you can expect with relatively high likelihood some tests in most Perl projects.

Within the Judo-Notator code base, there was a t directory holding three files:

  • notator.t
  • use_strict.t
  • use_warnings.t

Interestingly, those second two files are just testing if all the Perl files in the project are using use strict and use warnings. That's "best practice", maybe I'd caught myself being lazy and wrote tests to stop me not adding those two pragma... but not really useful.

notator.t is more interesting, at only 41 lines it's clearly not comprehensive; but a quick look gave some clues to the code base structure.

At this point I tried the tests.

Unfortunately none of the tests work as there are some missing modules, specifically Test::Output and File::Find::Rule so now is a good time to start handling the module dependencies via Carton and a cpanfile. This code base does not have one; so I added one with the following:

# cpanfile

requires "File::Find::Rule" => "0.34";
requires "Test::Output"     => "1.031";

The cpanfile is used via the carton command line tool, which will read this file and install the modules in a local directory. So lets run carton install and then see what happens when we run the tests. This time we need to run prove with carton carton exec prove -l t.

This failed hard! Lots of errors; why? Because using carton created that local directory, and there are lots of perl modules in there that apparently don't use strict so at this point I needed to alter the test to only look in the root directory and not the children... or scrap them.

This is a tough call, it seems like a useless test... but the original author (which is younger me) might have written that test for a good reason. So I am choosing to make the test work, just in case. When working with a legacy code base; I think we need to assume if a test was written it was probably written for a good reason. So till know the code base we need to be careful about assuming something is not needed.

So after making the File::Find::Rule module stay in the first directory this is what the tests show us (you'll need to scroll right, my layout is too narrow and no word wrap...sorry):

$ carton exec "prove -lv t"
t/notator.t ....... Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/lib /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/5.31.11 /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5 /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/site_perl/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/site_perl/5.31.11 /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/5.31.11) at t/notator.t line 9.

skipped: (no reason given)
t/use_strict.t ....
ok 1 - uses strict
ok 2 - uses strict
ok 3 - uses strict
ok 4 - uses strict
t/use_warnings.t ..
ok 1 - uses warnings
ok 2 - uses warnings
ok 3 - uses warnings
ok 4 - uses warnings

Test Summary Report
t/notator.t     (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 2
Files=3, Tests=8,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.01 sys +  0.46 cusr  0.05 csys =  0.58 CPU)
Result: FAIL

So 2/3 of the test files are working; so lets look at that last one. The test output is saying Can't locate so lets look at the test file and see how it is structored:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Test::Output;

require '';

# Dumb Test
is( Local::Notator::dumb_test(), 'yes', 'dumb_test is OK');

# Test subs
# ----------------------
like( Local::Notator::print_menu(), qr/ENTER = MATTE/, 'print_menu is OK' );
is( Local::Notator::reset_counters(), 1, 'reset_counters is OK');
like( Local::Notator::print_results(), qr/Segments/, 'print_results is OK' );
like( Local::Notator::show_blue(), qr/Penalty: 0/, 'show_blue is OK' );
like( Local::Notator::show_white(), qr/Penalty: 0/, 'show_white is OK' );

is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_attack(), 1, 'add_one_blue_attack is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_effattack(), 1, 'add_one_blue_effattack is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_koka(), 1, 'add_one_blue_koka is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_yuko(), 1, 'add_one_blue_yuko is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_wazari(), 1, 'add_one_blue_wazari is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_blue_ippon(), 1, 'add_one_blue_ippon is OK');

is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_attack(), 1, 'add_one_white_attack is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_effattack(), 1, 'add_one_white_effattack is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_koka(), 1, 'add_one_white_koka is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_yuko(), 1, 'add_one_white_yuko is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_wazari(), 1, 'add_one_white_wazari is OK');
is( Local::Notator::add_one_white_ippon(), 1, 'add_one_white_ippon is OK');

is( Local::Notator::add_one_matte(), 2, 'add_one_matte is OK');

like( Local::Notator::results(), qr/Penalty:/, 'results is OK' );

Line 9 is where the error occurs, it's a simple line:

require '';

This looks like a simple fix:

require './';

This gives us this:

$carton exec "prove -lv t/notator.t"

t/notator.t .. Can't locate Curses/ in @INC (you may need to install the Curses::UI module) (@INC contains: /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/lib /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/5.31.11 /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/dev/judo-notator/local/lib/perl5 /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/site_perl/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/site_perl/5.31.11 /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/5.31.11/aarch64-linux /home/lancew/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.31.11/lib/5.31.11) at ./ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at t/notator.t line 9.

skipped: (no reason given)

Test Summary Report
t/notator.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 2
Files=1, Tests=0,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr  0.01 sys +  0.16 cusr  0.01 csys =  0.23 CPU)
Result: FAIL

So we are missing another module, so time to update the cpanfile, run carton install and re-run the tests:

# cpanfile
requires "File::Find::Rule" => "0.34";
requires "Test::Output"     => "1.031";
requires "Curses::UI"       => "0.9609";
requires "Readonly"         => "2.05";

Which gives us this:

$ carton exec "prove -l t/"
t/notator.t ....... ok
t/use_strict.t .... ok
t/use_warnings.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=3, Tests=28,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr  0.00 sys +  0.67 cusr  0.05 csys =  0.79 CPU)
Result: PASS

At this stage I was able to try the script via carton exec perl and it worked... at least it loads and the ncurses interface came up.

Perltidy time

It's really helpful to have a tidy code base before you dig deep into it. I also find that one big tidy is often justifiable. So I add the Perl::Tidy module to the cpanfile then run it against the Perl files. But before I do I want to add a .perltidyrc file to give me the default behavior I am used to:


The useful ones here is that I modify the actual files; no .tdy files for me please.

The next step for me is a good read of the code; and determine what looks bad. I shall cover that in another post.